Health and Wellness
The “Personal Balance and Inclusion” department provides a listening ear and support for personal and financial issues, in a caring environment, so that students can succeed and thrive.
Since every path is unique, your well-being and personal development remain a top priority for EM Normandie Business School.
Psychological and social support

Since your personal wellbeing is crucial to your success, EM Normandie offers a comprehensive social service that is free of charge and confidential, to support you during difficult periods throughout your studies. EM Normandie has everything in place to help you deal with life’s uncertainties, including dedicated members of staff, a Welfare Officer, a team of psychologists and financial assistance.

Do you require support?

Whatever your concerns are, EM Normandie’s dedicated team can assist you with any personal or course-related issues, such as exam stress, budgeting and low mood.
There is a full-time specialist contact on the Caen, Le Havre and Paris campus. Our staff in Oxford and Dublin can meet with you remotely. Depending on your problem, with your permission, the specialist will refer you to your campus’ dedicated Welfare Officer or psychologist, who will be able to help you.

Social openness

EM Normandie is committed to equality by facilitating access to the School and ensuring equal opportunities in education. It has special internal funding available and promotes its student social diversity projects.

Financial support is granted based on social, academic and personal criteria. The School offers three kinds of support, which are mainly funded by the EM Normandie Foundation. These are:

  • The Academic scholarship (bourse méritant scolaire): this scholarship grants a reduction in annual tuition fees, and is for scholarship students who achieved an average of over 14/20 the previous year.
  • The “Life’s uncertainties” grant (bourse “Aléas de la vie”): this grant, which reduces tuition fees, is for a student who has faced a difficult life event (death of a parent, divorce, job loss, illness, etc.) since starting at EM Normandie.
  • The “Emergency Assistance” grant (l’“Aide d’urgence”) comes from the School’s Hardship Fund, and provides immediate assistance to students facing serious financial difficulty.


EM Normandie fosters a truly inclusive culture and respect for differences through numerous awareness-raising campaigns that promote gender equality and respect for sexual orientation and combat any form of discrimination.